Service Committments Duties

Service Commitment Duties


ensures meetings run safely
1 month commitment • No minimum sobriety
Computer required to perform the Zoom actions. Phone and tablet are not supported.

  • Automatically remove last names
  • Time shares for 3 minutes each, verbally give cue when there is 1 minute remaining
  • Monitor for audio/video disruptions
  • Lower hands if people forget to do so themselves
  • Reach out to any disruptors through chat before taking serious action
  • Mute disruptions and after people share if they forget / stop participant’s video if necessary
  • If anyone needs to be removed, notify greeter

Meeting Chair

leads meetings
3 month commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety

  • Arrive to the meeting 10 minutes before start time
  • Read script during meeting
  • Manage the pace of the meeting & ensure it ends on time
  • Facilitate discussion/sharing
  • Read/perform/play 5 minute meditation
  • Select "The Steps" reader
  • Select "The Promises" reader
  • Provide readings (links or share screen)
  • Sunday: select reflection reading
  • Friday: select step speakers (first Fridays)
  • Friday: Mark down on spreadsheet where big book (week 3) and 12 & 12 (week 4) readings leave off


spiritual bouncer
3 month commitment • 6 months minimum sobriety
Computer required to perform the Zoom actions. Phone and tablet are not supported.

  • Start the meeting
  • Create the breakout room 15 minutes before scheduled meeting start time
  • Verify women via video (for collective safety)
  • Send women to the breakout room
  • Assign “Co-Host” to Meeting Chair and Hostess
  • Work with Hostess to remove disruptive participants if necessary
  • End the Zoom meeting 20 minutes after meeting ends (if must leave early - doesn’t “end for all” before departing)


January - December commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety

  • Mail out 90 days, 6 month, and increments of 1 year anniversary coins at the beginning of each month
  • Purchase coins and keeps up with inventory
  • Collect addresses of celebrants
  • Makes announcements during meetings
  • Email Correspondence Secretary names of the monthly celebrants the week of the final Friday of the month.


July - June commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety

  • Sends out Big Books to those who need them

Facebook Chat

July - June commitment • 2 years minimum sobriety

  • In progress

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term


July - June commitment • 2 years minimum sobriety

Must have her own bank account for 2 years, and have a steady source of income

  • Provide a digital basket (personal Venmo account)
  • Keep track of contributions (overall treasury) on spreadsheet
  • Reimburse members for any group expenses within Annual Budget
  • Ensure payment of meeting space(s) (Zoom, etc)
  • Maintain group bank account
  • Prepare, present, keep eye on Annual Budget
  • Prepare and present Monthly Financial report at Business Meetings
  • Oversees treasury excess contributions to Service Entities (Intergroup, etc)

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term

Community Registrar

maintains community records
July - June commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety

Computer access required

  • Track attendance numbers
  • Update Home Group Member List
  • Maintain Sponsor & Sober Support Phone Number Lists

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term

Correspondence Secretary

email list & emails
July - June commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety
Computer access required

  • Monitor and respond to emails
  • Maintain Email List
  • Schedule Meetings on Zoom
  • Email Friday & Sunday meeting links
  • Sign Court forms
  • Work with other service areas to send out additional group emails

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term

Business Secretary
July - June commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety
Computer access required

  • Type up the minutes of Business Meetings
  • Read report during Business Meetings
  • Plan Business Meeting Agendas with Overall Group Chair
  • Keep meeting documents up to date
  • Make announcement at Friday & Sunday meetings
  • Email new service positions after they’re elected

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term


July - June commitment • 1 year minimum sobriety
Computer access required

  • Maintain website
  • Work with other service areas to add content (newsletter, etc)

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout the Sober Sisters group & committees during commitment term

Overall Group Chair

July - June commitment • 3 years minimum sobriety
Computer access required

  • Facilitate Business Meetings
  • Does not vote or make motions
  • Ensures everything runs smoothly
  • Temporarily fills in for any position if another member cannot do so
  • Leads Greeter and Meeting Chair trainings
  • Keeps an eye on the meeting to assist the Hostess in maintaining safety for the members
  • Ensure meeting is started on time and opened for members
  • Create Business Meeting agenda, together with Business Secretary, and email out agenda before each Business Meeting
  • May call Additional Business Meetings when needed
  • Stay in contact and up to date with committee chairs to answer any questions/ensure the integrity of the group
  • Encourage and support the participation of members, representatives and volunteers in all areas of Sober Sisters

*may not hold any other officer positions throughout Sober Sisters during commitment term

Service Elections Calendar